Environmental Management

MGS, evaluation of the environmental and social impacts that may arise from the projects planned or in operation and assessment of social impacts and environmental values in relation to the elimination or minimization of these effects, carries out sustainable studies within the scope of the development of alternative solutions, taking into account the economic and social structure.

Environmental Consulting

For national and international companies, sustainability studies and environmental issues are now at the forefront. These companies have environmental units and/or many environmental engineers in their corporate structures to fulfil their obligations under the legislation, and receive high-level consultancy services in order to be aware of sectoral studies, practices and developments around the world, and to ensure that environmental issues are carried out with a more integrated perspective.

Environmental Management Services Consultancy

The service which is provided for the fulfilment of the environmental obligations of the companies within the scope of the legislation and announcements published by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.

Zero Waste Consultancy

It is the services provided within the scope of carrying out the necessary studies to bring the waste into the economy in the most appropriate way with environmental values and manage it sustainably. Plastics, which have become an indispensable part of our lives due to various conveniences in our daily life; due to their frequent and multi-purpose use, light and low cost, its use has increased tremendously today, and the world has been alarmed for other types of waste simultaneously with plastics, the issue of 'ZERO WASTE' has come to the agenda and different studies have been started on the subject in many developed countries of the world. The Zero Waste Project was implemented gradually within the framework of the Zero Waste Management Action Plan covering the period 2018-2023, and the Zero Waste Regulation was published in the Official Gazette No 30826. To implement the Zero Waste Management Model more effectively and systematically, the need to prepare a 'Zero Waste Management Plan' arose. A Zero Waste Management Plan is prepared to determine the actions and roadmap that will provide an understanding of this management, reveal the current situation and reach the targets.

Recovery Contribution Fee (RCF) Consultancy

The Recovery Contribution Fee (RCF) is collected from the sales points for the bags for the products included in the Annex-1 list of the Environmental Law, and from the marketers/importers for other products. It expresses those who put on the market their products or packaged goods/materials within the scope of this Regulation, real or legal persons who place the product or good/materials on the packaging by using their name and/or trademark for products and packaged goods and materials that are not directly offered to the market by the manufacturer, the representative authorized by these manufacturers and/or importers if the manufacturers of the products and packaged goods/materials are outside of Turkey. The Recovery Contribution Fee Declaration is the declaration regarding the submission of the recovery contribution fee to be paid for the products placed on the market by the marketers/importers in the manner determined by the Revenue Administration. Releaser firms (including importers and outlets) which employed a continuous environmental officer or procured an environmental management services from environmental consultancy companies or obligated to establish an environmental management unit, and releaser firms (including importers and outlets) whose the amount of recovery contribution fee (the ratio of the total amount of declaration to the number of months it covers the declaration period determined by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance) they will pay is over 50,000 Turkish Liras; are obliged to ensure that all notifications and declarations (including the transactions based on returns and settlement) within the scope of the Regulation on Recovery Contribution Fee are reviewed and approved by accounting officer an environmental officer.

Carbon Trading and Greenhouse Gas Consulting

In recent years, when carbon trading and voluntary carbon market issues have been on the agenda, studies on greenhouse gas have begun to be given greater importance. As MGS, services are provided in the following scope;

Independent Audits

Independent audits also referred to as 3rd party audits, A wide range of services designed to reduce risk, control quality and meet regulatory requirements for the purpose of on-site verification that a system meets specified criteria. MGS's audit services reassure our customers that it complies with its obligations, international and local regulations, voluntary standards and its own requirements. Our independent third-party audit services cover quality, health, safety and environmental management, as well as efficiency and asset integrity. We provide 3rd party certification services and carry out legal audits in many sectors such as power plants, construction and infrastructure projects, industrial facilities.

Green Label / Eco-Label Label Consultancy

The sector and criteria expressed in the Environmental Label Regulation, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 19 October 2018 and numbered 30570, were not clarified by determining that they would be announced by the Ministry. The label logo likewise had not yet been determined. On May 13, 2019, it will promote energy efficiency, waste reduction and product management in our country, protect the environment and human health, will save with fewer resources, provide the opportunity to open up to additional markets, The National Environmental Label System, which will raise awareness in the use and consumption of environmentally friendly and human health products, has been carried out for the establishment of the National Environmental Label System. Within the scope of the "National Environmental Label Project", eco-label criteria in 3 sectors (textile, ceramics, tissue paper) were published and the logo was determined by the EU Eco-Label Directive No. 66/2010. The use of the environmental label is given for a period of 4 years. If requested 180 days before the end of the period, the period may be extended as a result of the evaluation made by the technical inspection commission by the Ministry. Environmental labels are not given in the presence of toxic, environmentally harmful, carcinogenic, mutagenic products, medical and veterinary products and materials, feed and food products. MGS provides the necessary services to make an environmental impact and emission calculations in line with the criteria, to prepare the application file and to follow up with the relevant institution.

Wastewater Treatment Plants Operator Trainings

Wastewater Treatment Plants Project Design and Management of Approval Processes

Environmental Consultancy
  • Legislation research, interpretation, reporting etc. related to the activities of the companies. Meeting the information requests of companies on all issues
  • Preparing information notes on legislative obligations regularly
  • Ensuring coordination with official institutions
  • Preparation of sector-based informative presentations
  • Organizing training and exercise organizations on the subjects requested by the company
  • Conducting impartial audits and reporting audit results according to company demand and content
  • Accompanying the institution audits and ensuring the coordination of the audit
  • Developing management method options for the subjects requested for the company

Ongoing projects in this scope;

  1. Turkish Petroleum Refineries Inc.
  2. Yeniköy-Kemerköy Electricity Production and Trade Inc.
  3. Turcas Kuyucak Geothermal Electricity Generation Inc.
Environmental Management Services Consultancy
  • Obtaining necessary permits and licenses within the scope of Environmental Permit and License Regulation
  • Conducting periodic legal compliance audits in terms of environmental legislation
  • Conducting Waste Management and Waste Minimization studies
  • Preparation of emission inventory and control of emission values
  • Determination and follow-up of environmental monitoring and measurement parameters
  • Preparation of Water and Wastewater Management Plans
  • Making legal statements and notifications
  • Providing Environmental Management and Environmental Legislation training
  • Planning and coordination of environmental exercises
RCF Consultancy

MGS provides the following services in order to fulfil its operating obligations;

  • Comment on which products are covered,
  • Guidance on what an organization should do to comply with legislation
  • Guidance for ensuring compliance with industry and business-related legal requirements
  • RCF System registration consultancy
  • RCF Notification consultancy to the system
  • Guidance on declaration and payment to the RCF System
  • Informing about the record-keeping obligations of the RCF Period and proposing a record-keeping system
  • Information on constantly changing and evolving legislation
  • Systematically testing the organization’s readiness against legislation
Carbon Footprint /Trade and Greenhouse Gas Consultancy
  • Evaluation of resource flows, emission sources and points, measuring instruments, procedures and risk analysis
  • Preparation/revision of greenhouse gas monitoring plans
  • Checking the necessary information and documents for the preparation of the greenhouse gas emission report for the relevant year and preparing the greenhouse gas emission report
  • Following the process of verifying the greenhouse gas emissions report by the verification body